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- Short: ClassAct, Font adaptive BOOPSI GUI toolkit.
- Author: caldi@pcnet.com (Christopher Aldi)
- Uploader: caldi@pcnet.com (Christopher Aldi)
- Version: Release 1.0
- Type: dev/gui
- Requires: AmigaOS 2.04 or greater
- ClassAct Demo
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- ---
- ClassAct is a set of 17 BOOPSI classes published by Phantom Development LLC
- and co-authored by Christopher Aldi, Timothy Aston, and Osma Ahvenlampi.
- ClassAct provides object-oriented building blocks for your application in
- the form of Intuition BOOPSI classes available as either shared run-time or
- link-time libraries. As they are standard classes, they may be used with
- any application environment supporting BOOPSI. ClassAct is a complete GUI
- system in its own right, supporting everything from simple buttons to an
- advanced list management class, and includes a complete GUI layout system
- class that lets you create font-sensitive and resizable interfaces quickly
- and easily.
- Programs that use ClassAct can be made freely distributable, shareware,
- commercial, etc. as there is no fee for users! When you purchase ClassAct,
- users of your software get to use all the functions of our classes that you
- allow them to. This not only makes ClassAct a powerful and time-saving
- choice for software developers, but an affordable and convenient one as well.
- Since ClassAct all classes are BOOPSI, they automatically support all
- sorts of great features, such as window relatively (resizability), 3.x
- help, notification, and interconnections with other BOOPSI classes (which
- do not necessarily have to be ClassAct classes). ClassAct classes are
- totally standard BOOPSI libraries, just like the colorwheel and gradient
- sliders that come with release 3.x of the Amiga's operating system.
- ClassAct classes are built for speed, power and efficiency.
- All ClassAct classes are compatible with 2.04 (V37) thru 3.1 (V40)
- releases of the Amiga operating system and take advantage of performance
- increases available in release 3.x.
- ClassAct is an expanding project, providing you with all the graphical
- user interface tools you need to write your application. ClassAct is
- currently up to 17 different classes, and the list is literally growing
- all the time!
- Should You Use ClassAct?:
- -------------------------
- Have you written or are you currently in the process of developing Amiga
- applications? If so, the answer is a very definite YES, you should be
- using ClassAct.
- The graphic user interfaces of most Amiga applications fit one or more of
- the following descriptions:
- - Non-existant (i.e. command line only)
- - Not font sensitive
- - Not Locale sensitive
- - Slow
- - Memory Intensive
- - Unattractive
- - Lacking in intuitiveness and originality
- - Non-standard
- The reasons for this are simple. Existing systems for creating a GUI are
- either limited in features, slow, hard to use, and/or violate system
- standards.
- This is why you should use ClassAct. The Amiga is a graphic system and
- all applications should have a graphic user interface. ClassAct is the
- only system that allows you to easily create a GUI that doesn't suffer
- from the deficiencies listed above.
- If you want your application to be easy to use, fast and professional
- looking then you NEED ClassAct.
- Because ClassAct is BOOPSI, ClassAct may be utilized in any other GUI
- system supporting BOOPSI objects.
- Purchasing ClassAct:
- --------------------
- ClassAct is availble NOW only from Phantom Development for just $69.95 US.
- Contact us now to order!
- Phantom Development, LLC.
- P.O. Box 572
- Plantsville, CT 06479
- U.S.A.
- Tel/FAX: (860)276-8175
- E-Mail: caldi@pcnet.com
- WWW: http://www.pcnet.com/~caldi
- Here is some of what is included with ClassAct:
- - The complete set of ClassAct BOOPSI classes.
- - Autodocs in text and AmigaGuide format telling you how to use each
- class.
- - classact.lib which includes SAS/C autoopen support for ClassAct classes.
- - SBGen which allows you to quickly generate SpeedBar gadget source
- code and image data.
- - Examples programs in C for using each of the classes.
- - C includes that you will need for writing programs that use ClassAct.
- - Technical support from Phantom Development.
- We hope you enjoy the ClassAct demo. If you have any questions or
- comments, please do not hesitate to contact us.
- ============================= Archive contents =============================
- Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
- -------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
- 7456 4353 41.6% 14-Sep-95 12:30:04 +button.gadget
- 5888 3672 37.6% 14-Sep-95 13:03:00 +checkbox.gadget
- 8780 5121 41.6% 13-Sep-95 23:43:32 +chooser.gadget
- 5036 2821 43.9% 13-Sep-95 23:43:32 +fuelgauge.gadget
- 8060 4331 46.2% 14-Sep-95 13:03:16 +integer.gadget
- 14584 7941 45.5% 14-Sep-95 13:03:12 +layout.gadget
- 13052 7035 46.1% 14-Sep-95 13:03:12 +layout.gadget.020
- 25140 12397 50.6% 13-Sep-95 23:43:34 +listbrowser.gadget
- 6776 3741 44.7% 13-Sep-95 23:43:34 +palette.gadget
- 8628 4903 43.1% 14-Sep-95 13:03:26 +speedbar.gadget
- 8248 4262 48.3% 14-Sep-95 12:32:44 +bevel.image
- 3480 1653 52.5% 13-Sep-95 23:43:56 +drawlist.image
- 4336 1992 54.0% 14-Sep-95 12:32:44 +glyph.image
- 6068 3747 38.2% 13-Sep-95 23:43:56 +label.image
- 1937 1025 47.0% 13-Sep-95 23:46:24 +Digital_Quill-Read_Me
- 463 181 60.9% 13-Sep-95 23:55:38 +Digital_Quill-Read_Me.info
- 628 270 57.0% 13-Sep-95 23:55:38 +Examples.info
- 3304 1897 42.5% 13-Sep-95 23:47:58 +BevelTest
- 450 157 65.1% 13-Sep-95 23:46:28 +BevelTest.info
- 7224 4313 40.2% 13-Sep-95 23:46:28 +ChooserTest
- 450 162 64.0% 13-Sep-95 23:46:28 +ChooserTest.info
- 2532 1575 37.7% 13-Sep-95 23:46:28 +FuelTest
- 450 188 58.2% 13-Sep-95 23:46:28 +FuelTest.info
- 6980 4282 38.6% 13-Sep-95 23:46:28 +HierarchicalTest
- 450 171 62.0% 13-Sep-95 23:46:28 +HierarchicalTest.info
- 6312 3823 39.4% 13-Sep-95 23:46:28 +IntegerTest
- 450 200 55.5% 13-Sep-95 23:46:28 +IntegerTest.info
- 6316 3905 38.1% 13-Sep-95 23:46:28 +LabelTest
- 450 173 61.5% 13-Sep-95 23:46:28 +LabelTest.info
- 5516 3036 44.9% 14-Sep-95 13:04:48 +LayoutTest
- 9149 2422 73.5% 13-Sep-95 23:46:28 +LayoutTest.c
- 463 188 59.3% 13-Sep-95 23:46:28 +LayoutTest.c.info
- 626 160 74.4% 13-Sep-95 23:46:28 +LayoutTest.info
- 9012 4850 46.1% 13-Sep-95 23:46:28 +ListBrowserTest
- 450 170 62.2% 13-Sep-95 23:46:28 +ListBrowserTest.info
- 6084 3805 37.4% 13-Sep-95 23:46:28 +PaletteTest
- 626 143 77.1% 13-Sep-95 23:46:28 +PaletteTest.info
- 7972 4443 44.2% 14-Sep-95 13:04:18 +SpeedBarTest
- 450 155 65.5% 13-Sep-95 23:46:28 +SpeedBarTest.info
- 6465 1776 72.5% 13-Sep-95 23:46:24 +Install_ClassActDemo
- 713 355 50.2% 13-Sep-95 23:55:38 +Install_ClassActDemo.info
- 1804 606 66.4% 13-Sep-95 23:46:24 +OrderForm
- 463 182 60.6% 13-Sep-95 23:55:38 +OrderForm.info
- 6914 2938 57.5% 13-Sep-95 23:46:24 +Read_Me
- 1175 604 48.5% 13-Sep-95 23:46:24 +Read_Me-Layout
- 463 179 61.3% 13-Sep-95 23:55:38 +Read_Me-Layout.info
- 463 187 59.6% 13-Sep-95 23:55:38 +Read_Me.info
- 628 271 56.8% 13-Sep-95 23:55:38 ClassAct.info
- -------- ------- ----- --------- --------
- 223364 116761 47.7% 15-Sep-95 12:50:44 48 files